No, to return your item and get a refund, you'll need to provide a receipt to prove the item was purchased with us. But if you've lost your receipt, here's how to get a copy before coming in-store with your return.
In-store purchases
You can either visit the store to receive a re-print or contact us to get a copy by SMS. We'll just need the following details to locate your transaction:
- date of purchase
- purchase price
- model number of the item
- payment method used and the last 4 digits of your credit card number if you used it to purchase
Online purchases
If your purchase was made online, please follow these instructions to obtain a copy of your receipt:
- Log into your JB Hi-Fi Account. Don't have one? Create an account now with the same email address you've used to checkout as a guest on our site before and you'll see all your previous purchase history.
- Once logged in, you'll see your Purchase History. Select the order you require a receipt/tax invoice for
- Hit on the printer icon on the top right-hand side of the screen to print or save a copy that you can bring in-store.
If you can't make it into one of our stores just contact us and we can organise a return courier. This service is free but may take a little longer. Once the item has been received and assessed we will be in touch with you to discuss your options.
Please note: All returns are subject to our Refunds and Warranties policy.